USA 1 Septic is 5 Star Rated (125+ 5 star reviews)…
1- Yes…
Only hire a septic company who works in the septic business daily to conduct a septic inspection. A septic company has experience in diagnostics, septic pumping and septic installation.
If you had a heart problem with your body, would you go to a general doctor or a heart specialist? Stay away from home inspectors who are not septic specialist. We get so many calls from people who are dissatisfied with home inspectors conducting septic inspections and/or their lack of knowledge.
USA 1 Septic takes pride by not being known as a real estate friendly company who receives a lot of referrals for septic inspections from real estate agents. USA 1 Septic works for you the customer (not the real estate sales agent). Our job is to use our experience, variables, tools and knowledge to present as many facts as we can to the client. Let the client make the choice…
When calling around septic inspection companies, ask the company, “Do you get a lot of real estate agent referrals?” If the septic inspection company answers, “Yes”. Ask yourself, do the real estate companies like this inspector because they side with the real estate agents client to pass the inspection so the septic company can get more business from the real estate agents? Our experience is yes…
“If they are real estate agent referred, you may want to not hire them”
5- No…
Do all real estate companies conduct the same septic inspection the same way? No, all septic inspection companies do not conduct the same septic inspection the same way.
USA 1 Septic can offer you a 4-12 page septic inspection report to the client with pictures and/or videos for your records. Many septic inspection companies offer a tiny page (like a waitress paper receipt/hand scribbled) report with no pictures or videos to the client.
Should you hire the septic inspection company who is the cheapest? Our experience is “You get what you pay for”. Do you want hand scribbled notes on a small paper vs a computer generated 4-12 page report with pictures and/or videos? Do you want someone who is in a hurry vs a septic inspection company who is there to inform you the client and make you more knowledgeable? Do you want a septic inspection to pass no matter what, than fail later after your purchased the property? We have encountered residential septic systems over $50,000 to install. Don’t be cheap because it may cost you a lot of $$$ in the future.
“Highest Rated Septic Company” Google & HomeAdvisor
How your septic system works